Friday, December 20, 2019

School Uniforms And The School Uniform - 1422 Words

Most of schools have different policies regarding the school uniforms. There was increase in the school that ask their students to wear a uniform. However, the benefits of the school uniform still unclear for many people. So, the researches conduct research about the actual benefit of the school uniform. Some of the research show there are a relationship between the school uniform and the overall student behavior, safety, and achievements. Many researches follow different method to collect their data and showing their result. Some researches do deeply analysis include the student parents, teachers, school level, and school rates. Introduction School uniform is one of the subjects that its effects on student still not clear.†¦show more content†¦Literature Review: Student achievement: The first article, by David Brunsma and Kerry A. Rockquemore (1998), studied the effects of the school uniforms on attendance, behavior and academic achievement. They took the data from the National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988. They wanted to see the relationship between the school uniforms and attendance, behavior and academic achievement. They selected students who were in the 8th grade. However, they did some changes in order to adjust the number of the data that used in the analysis. They did that because many sampling were from specific minority groups in the National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988. They selected they students who participated in their study from the private and public schools. In order to collect their data for their study, they used surveys. They used race and gender as independent variables and behavior and academic achievements as dependent variable. They used behavior scale as their dependent variable in order to see if the student got suspension or the whether the student fought. Moreover, they made a control variable from different type of schools such as catholic schools and private schools. Also, in order to get their result, they used the statistic. They found that the positive correlation between students who wear uniforms and academic achievement was 0.05. So, they suggest there is a relationship betweenShow MoreRelatedSchool Uniform And School Uniforms937 Words   |  4 PagesSchool Uniform School uniforms keep students focused on their education not in their clothings. When all students are wearing the same outfit, they are less concerned about how they look and how they fit in with their peers. It’s easier for parent and students do not spend time choosing appropriate outfit for school day. It helps students can only concentrate on their schoolwork. Education is one of the big institutions for every kid that go to school. Also education is the roots that will help peopleRead MoreSchool Uniforms And Schools Uniforms1211 Words   |  5 PagesSchool uniforms began their revolution in private schools; they represented a unique appearance, and provided a safe environment for the students attending. Private and Catholic schools were clever enough for implementing school uniforms, because without their influence public schools would have not adapted on creating a dress code for students. By introducing school uniforms in school policies they have managed to impact st udents learning environment in reducing stress, changing students’ behaviorRead MoreSchool Uniforms And Schools Uniforms819 Words   |  4 Pagesas school uniforms, many are quick to deem them as unjust and avoidable. What these individuals do not know is that, in fact, school uniforms would enhance how the learning environment functions. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Wise Old Woman Essay Example For Students

Wise Old Woman Essay Wise Old Woman Auvaiyar Varan S Karunakaran Melbourne Wise Old Woman Auvaiyar Varan S Karunakaran Melbourne Copy Right  © First Published in 2004-02-04 Publishers Honey-Stream Contents Preface6 PUBLISHERS VIEW8 READERS’ REVIEW9 1. Introduction10 2. Wise Old Woman11 2. 1 General11 2. 2 First Auvaiyar11 2. 3 Second Auvaiyar12 2. 3 Third Auvaiyar12 2. 4 Attribution to Auvaiyar13 3. TAMIL LANGUAGE15 4. CHILDREN CHANNEL17 4. 1 General17 4. 2 Arthi Chudhi18 4. 3 Konrai Venthan19 4. 4Muthurai19 4. 5 Nalvahi19 5. 0 MORAL MANNERS20 5. 1 Blameless Behaviour20 5. 2 Virtuous Vision26 5. 3 Wholesome Wisdom31 . 4 Peaceful Path33 6. ETHICAL ETIQUETTE36 6. 1 Righteous Restraint ( )36 6. 2 Complacent Conduct ( )55 6. 3 Mature Messages ( )71 6. 4 Commendable Course ( )82 7. GLOSSARY97 Preface The Tamil alphabets are being taught using the rhyme of the wise old woman (WOW). Thus this work retains the original structure of these morale works. The modern father of lateral thinking is Edward De Bono. It is believed that there were several Auvaiyar(s) known among works in Tamil. You may wonder how one of the Auvaiyar who used the lateral thinking to bless the king to â€Å"fortify the embankment†. Tamils believe that the God Murugan used lateral thinking to fun with one of the Auvaiyar. All Auvaiyar(s) are not only wise ladies but also had sharp minds. The subject rhymes are not only simple but also reminder the fundamental concept for a peaceful life. Four of Auvaiyar’s works – Arthi Chudhi, Konrai Venthan, Muthurai and Nalvazhi are depicted here in English. As her works are in the verses form, even explanations in Tamil differ among various publications. Many Tamil words do not have a meaningful word in English language. For example, the Tamil word â€Å"aram† which has no exact meaning in English. We can find many words with closer meaning. Thus it is not possible to provide â€Å"the† translation for her works. This work will be called as an interpretation (Chapter 5) and a translation depicted in words (Chapter 6). It is my opinion that there is no translation can capture the magnificent principles behind her works. Only way is to read the original verses in Tamil (not even the description in Tamil). This is an indirect encouragement for the Tamil speaking community not to miss the opportunity to learn Tamil language while young. The verses were originally written in the ancient feudal society where primary production (agriculture) was considered as the noble tasks. Today the world went through industrial transformation, economical reformation and electronic revolution. In the feudal society men earned wealth but today some women’s earning capacity is much more than their husband’s earning. Thus certain moderation of the novel verses is required to reflect the current life style. The main part of the book is Chapter 5 which is â€Å"Moral Manners. † It contains the interpretation of Auvaiyar’s four works. Modern thinking is employed to reflect the current life style of the people and to make them secular with no specific references to any culture. The purpose of the book is to provide the opportunities for young children to learn and elders to refresh whenever they needed. It is neither an invention nor a discovery but simply innovative ideas are employed to provide the existing information in Tamil. The Chapter 6 of this book is not a literal translation of exiting works but a translation based on the Auvaiyar’s concepts to provide a smooth flow for reading. Thus it is provided under the title of â€Å"Ethical Etiquette. Here not only references to Indian culture and Hindu religion are retained but also the original Tamil verses can be located. A culture is a wealth of the community. The community applied it every day to advance their quality of life. This book is not saying which culture is the best or superior. This book is merely based on a culture where the Interpreter wa s brought up and set up his mind. It is always good to know more about other cultures and their wealth of their works. This book is developed with providing assistance to overseas Tamil children whose first language in school is no more Tamil. Some of them learn Tamil at home or from community. But there are many overseas Tamil students missed learning Tamil language. This book is equally suitable for Tamils who learn Tamil as first language or as second language. This book is also developed to be used by any other Indian Children whose mother tongue is not Tamil and all other children from English speaking world. The original Tamil verses are included for those who are competent in both languages. Others can ignore the sand-witched Tamil verses. PUBLISHERS VIEW READERS’ REVIEW Introduction Every child born in this world is innocent. That is the reason, every body likes the children. Indians love children as gods like Kannan, Murugan and Iyyeppan where they appear as young children. Every child is not grown up as innocent adult. What are the changes being made while they are growing? The answer could be environment and circumstances. When the difficult situations arise, it disturbs the direction of thinking. Previous experiences on similar incidences affect the views which lead to frustration and revenge. Egoism makes greedy. In the end, majority of the crowd got distress with many other forms of extremisms including fanatics. What is needed for life is a peaceful and blissful survival. When people realize about themselves, they achieve the peacefulness. I used to read Auvaiyar’s works to build my mental strength which gave me the blissfulness needed to me. Now I am providing those in both English and Tamil for others benefits who ever want to read them in either of the language. No child in Tamil speaking home in anywhere in this world forgets Auvaiyar. Two of her works (first two listed below) are being used to learn Tamil Alphabet as poem in very early stage of learning. The other two (last two listed below) are being applied to understand the unexpected outcome of our actions. She has many other works too. All the four works were based on very fundamental moral principles which are interpreted in this book as follows: †¢ Blameless Behaviour or Righteous Restraint (Arthi Chudhi) †¢ Virtuous Vision or Complacent Conduct (Konrai Venthan) †¢ Wholesome Wisdom or Mature Messages (Muthurai) †¢ Peaceful Path or Commendable Course (Nalvazhi) 2. Wise Old Woman 2. 1 General The wise old woman (WOW) is Auvaiyar. Her verses are not only beautiful and rhymed but also have several deep moral values and spiritual meanings. Among the many Tamil poets and poetesses Auvaiyar stands pre-eminent. Auvai is another form of addressing mother in Tamil and Telengu. Later Auvai evolved into a courteous form of addressing an old lady with the addition of â€Å"ar† to make it more polite in Tamil. In all pictures Auvaiyar is depicted as a white clad old lady with a staff in hand. Other than the four moral verses named in Chapter 1, several other works of her are published in Tamil languages. Scholars seem to agree that all the above four Auvaiyar poems are by a single woman and this is the general believing among the Tamil people. The works under the Auvaiyar’s name are wisdom to widen the daily life. There is no other work surpassed her contributions for brevity and principles. There are numerous translations of Auvaiyars works into other languages. But no translation can capture the magnificence of the original Tamil. There is no authentic biography exists about her. What little is known of her has been gathered from oral tradition and from occasional references in the writings of contemporary poets. It is not possible to get the history correctly. However, Auvaiyar was born and bred in Tamil Nadhu in South India. It is possible to note that at least three Auvaiyar’s can be spotted in Tamil literature because they belong to three different periods. It appears that all the three Auvaiyars were great devotees of Ganapathy the elephant faced God who is the remover of obstacles. Most of Auvaiyars’ work begins with an invocation to him. 2. 2 First Auvaiyar This Auvaiyar was the daughter of Athi (Mother) and Bhagawan (father). She was found abandoned as an infant in a traveler’s hut and adopted by foster parents. This earliest Auvaiyar was a poetess of the Sangam age (First Century AD) and a contemporary of King Athigaman Netuman Anci. Her works were included in Purananuru, Kuruntokai, Natthinai and Akananuru. Thiruvalluvar who wrote Thirukkural had a sister called Auvaiyar. Some believes that the first Auvaiyar was his sister considering the period and having common names for parents based on the first Thirukkural. Many others disputes based on caste system. 2. 3 Second Auvaiyar The second Auvaiyar was a woman saint and close associate of two noble Siva devotees, Sundara Moorthy Nayanar and Cheraman Perumal, where both of them were inscribed as great Saiva saints in Sekkilars epic hagiography, the Periyapuranam. She lived around 800 AD. She wrote Vinayagar Agaval and Auvai Kural. She was associated with the Lambika Kundalini Yoga School. 2. 3 Third Auvaiyar The third one was a contemporary of Ottkakuthar, Kampar and Pugalenthi (1000 AD). It is believed that this third Auvaiyar is the subject of this book because of the references of Nayanmar (She referred to as â€Å"muvar tamulum† which means the works of the three saints) who lived much later period. Arthi is a flower which was also royal floral emblem of the Cholas. Thus many say that she should have lived in Cholas period which support the claim that the four works belong to this third Auvaiyar. The third Auvaiyar was also called Koolukupadi (one who sings for bowl of soup). The poet Kambar was commissioned by a dancing girl called Silambi to compose a verse on her and gave him 500 gold coins for it, but Kambar who normally, took 1000 gold coins scribbled half a verse on the walls with charcoal. Auvaiyar who happened to come soon afterwards accepted a cup of soup (pap) as reward and completed the stanza. There was an Auvaiyar who was associated with Lord Murugan and some says it was the third one. She could be another Auvaiyar. 2. 4 Attribution to Auvaiyar During a visit to a Siva temple, Auvaiyar sat down on the floor due to tiredness. Her legs were stretched and pointed towards God Siva which she did not notice. However, the temple priest asked Auvaiyar to cross her legs. Auvaiyar seek advice from the priest to provide a direction where Siva does not exist. Hindus consider that pointing legs to altar is an unacceptable behaviour. Hindus also believe that god is every where (omnipresent). Foolish priest did not realise that divinity is every where and not limited to altar in Temples. God is the spirit in the heart or the energy/forces that operate every thing in this universe. One of the Auvaiyar was an aggressive defender of womens rights. On one occasion when some men reviled the character of women, Auvaiyar retorted that â€Å"all women would be good by nature if men did not spoil them; and most men would have a tolerable stock of sense if the women did not make fools of them. † One of the Auvaiyar said that what we learned was a handful of soil where what is available to learn is equal to the size of the earth (Learned knowledge is finite whereas world is infinite). This means that no body can claim that they knew everything. Auvaiyar was a lateral thinker. At a coronation ceremony, Auvaiyar blessed the king which surprised all the audience. She said â€Å"Fortify the Embankment† where she used the Tamil word â€Å"Varapuyarga ( )†. It literally means raise the bund. When the audience asked her what it means to king. She retorted that when the embankment is strengthening, it contains more water that is essential for paddy cultivation which was the prime production at that time. When more paddies (stable food is rice which comes from paddy) is produced, the citizens will prosper and thus more revenue will be yielded to king. Consequently the strength and power of the king will increase. All others blessed the king directly wondered her lateral thinking. One of the Auvaiyar, while traveling through an orchard, she noticed a fruit tree where a young boy was perched on the tree. She asked him to pluck some fruits for her. The young boy sarcastically asked her whether she would like to have hot fruits or cold fruits. Auvaiyar was stuck as she did not think that there were two kinds of fruits. But, Auvaiyar did not want to admit her defeat to a young boy. She asked for cold fruit. When the boy shook off some branches, the fruits fell on sand. ALL QUIET ON TE WESTERN FRONT EssayThus always do goodness and shun sin. 2. According to ethical manuscripts, human beings are classified into two types considerate and inconsiderate. Note: India has a different caste system (classification) and the intention of the verse is to dismiss that. 3. Knowing that our body is transitory, perform charity whenever you have wealth, then you will reach heaven. 4. It is possible for anybody to accomplish anything when favored by the virtue of good karma and otherwise nothing is achievable. 5. Do your duty. Outcome of your action is not in your hand and thus do not suffer or get distressed 6. Your success is based on your virtue and independent from others virtue. 7. Sages realized impermanency of the life in body and they live without any desire and do not converse anything unrelated. 8. Honor will be everlasting and wealth will disappear easily. Thus people should achieve wealth in honest way. 9. Whatever the difficulties are, the respectable people always assist the needy who contact them 10. Death is permanent which will come to us one day. Practice charity and live contented. 11. It is impossible to live without food. 12. Self employment on primary production is the safest employment and all others could be lost at any time, NOTE: The verse was written before industrial production (During feudal society or agriculture society). 13. No Body on this earth can change the course of life 14. Death is better than the shameful survival by begging for food 15. Remove the fears in the mind due to fate by distracting the thinking using god name 16. Goodness depends on surrounding, actions, compassion and maintaining integrity 17. People cannot prosper in this birth if no charity is done in the previous births. 18. Niggards only contributes when pressured, otherwise even to love ones, nothing will be donated 19. For a meal we distress our selves beyond the limits 0. Everything will be destroyed one we associate with prostitution 21. Everything will come our way if we have good heart 22. Earn and enjoy and save reasonably 23. Every type of destruction will come if biased verdict delivered 24. It is disgrace when you don’t have good wife, kind siblings and city without water 25. When spending exceeds revenue, then the life is full of troubles 26. Nothing will be in the mind when somebody become hungry 27. Every thing will not occur the way we want and all of them are fate 28. More the greediness bigger the worries and thus need to be contented with what we have 29. Every body wishes to identify themselves with philanthropist 30. No way to change the fate and have to suffer (Can be reduce by thinking god names) 31. It is shameful to deviate from standard norms whether verses, conduct, courage and partnership 32. Wealth is not stable and when you have that, offer assistance to needy and gain positive mind 33. In general, you will not win using harsh words, but there will be a better opportunity to achieve something when you use kind word 34. Without wealth, it is hardly influence in this world 35. There are people who have acumen and some others even advised, cannot realize the situation 6. In several instances, own actions cause self destruction 37. There is no way to overcome fate, without worrying the outcome, desire for salvation 38. Self-realization and reach the god is the peaceful way of life 39. Achieving every thing at right time 40. Learn the above good guidance and reengineer your life style 6. ETHICAL ETIQUETTE 6. 1 Righteous Restrain t ( ) Invocation ( ) Lord Ganapathy who sat on the lap of his father (God Siva who wears Garland made of Arthi flowers), we oft and oft praise and worship him. . 1. Righteousness Wish to Perform Righteously 2. Temper Calm Down Your Irritation 3. Sharing Don’t Deny To Share When You Can Afford 4. Contribution Don’t Hinder Others Contributions 5. Boasting Don’t Proclaim Your Worthiness 6. Perseverance Don’t give up perseverance 7. Scripts Don’t Disregard Numbers and Alphabets 8. Begging Begging is Disgraceful 9. Food Offer alms before you eat 10. Custom Conform to the customs 11. Learning Never cease learning 12. Envy Never express envy 13. Appraisal Don’t shorten the quantity of grains whilst trading 14. Reporting Never report eyewitness incorrectly 15. Family Accept your kins even rarely useful 16. Bathing Take bath on Saturdays after applying gingerly oil 17. Converse Converse Pleasantly 18. Constraints Don’t build exceptionally huge house 19. Association Associate appropriately after acquaintance 20. Parents Uphold your father and mother 21. Gratitude Never forget gratitude 22. Promptness Cultivate in the suitable season 23. Snatch Never eat from the wealth of the snatched land 24. Proper Never Act improperly 25. Risk Refrain from snake-charming 26. Sleeping Sleep on soft cotton mattress 27. Vilify Never speak deceitfully 28. Decency Never do anything indecently 29. Skill Learn while young 30. Duty Don’t forget your duty 31. Oversleeping Don’t oversleep 32. Scold Never consider using coarse expressions 3. Lives Und ertake to protect lives 34. Considerate Live with consideration for others 35. Civility Remove Incivility 36. Personality Do not alter your good quality 37. Collaboration Don’t split from collaboration 38. Ruining Refrain from Ruining Others 39. Oration Try to learn from oration 40. Assisting Never deny assisting others using your skill 41. Plundering Never consider plundering 42. Forbidden Abolish forbidden games 43. Abusing Remove Insulting Words 44. Abide Obey the law of the land 45. Follow Associate with the wise 46. Misgivings Never Tell Deceptively 47. Ethics Never Forget Good Conduct 48. Insult Never State anything provocatively 49. Gamble Dislike gambling 50. Performance Complete your performance correctly 51. Collaboration Know the participant before collaboration 52. Respect Don’t roam around to lose respect 53. Sharply Never speak without sharpness 54. Laziness Never wander with laziness 55. Esteem Physically position to uphold your esteem 56. Gifts Wish to offer gifts 57. Dedication Dedicate to God â€Å"Vishnu† 58. Immorality Refrain from Immorality 59. Suffering Don’t let misery reaches you 60. Scrutinize Scrutinize Before Proceed 61. God Never Despise God 62. Harmony Live as others do 63. Imprudence Don’t follow any stupid advice from your wife 64. Tradition Don’t forget your traditions 65. Failures Never stick to any fading deal 66. Pursue Stick to anything gainful 67. Consensually Implement things acceptable to majority 68. Esteem Don’t plunge from your reputation 69. Risk No sporting activities in rough waters 70. Inedible Don’t consume spoil food 71. Peruse Read many books 72. Cultivate Cultivate paddy 73. Behave Behave straight forward 74. Hurting Never hurt others 75. Disagreement Never discuss unimportance issues 76. Sickness Never exposed to infections 77. Contemptible Never exchange contemptible 78. Dangerous Never fool around with any snake 79. Informing Never inform incorrectly 80. Prominence Follow the correct cause to bring fame 81. Reliance Support those who paise you 82. Farm Earn for living by developing land 83. Astute Win the sympathy of the Astute 84. Unawareness Eradicate the lack of knowledge 85. Naughty Never associate with the naughty 6. Wealth Work to flourish your wealth 87. War Never be a warrior 88. Mind Don’t let the mind to be perturbed 89. Antagonist Make sure that no chance to your foes 90. Exaggerations Don’t tell with exaggeration 91. Consume Never desire to consume excessively 92. Battlefields Never Visit War Zones 93. Wicked Never be in agreement with the wicked 94. Spouse Reside with your own sweet wife 95. Prophecy Listen to the advice of prophets 96. Brothel Never visit to the residence of prostitutes 97. Decisively Converse decisively without being suspected 98. Passion Never be attracted by the excitement 99. Challenge Never boast your valour 100. Argument Avoid arguing with wise 101. Skill Desire to acquire skill 102. Blissfulness Pursue Ethics to Attain Blissfulness 103. Noble Ascertain to be a noble 104. Coexist Coexist harmoniously with your fellow citizens 105. Rebuke Don’t rebuke bluntly 106. Gain Don’t assist with the intention of getting benefits 107. Waking Wake up before dawn 108. Enemy Never befriended with the adversary 109. Justice Never give biased verdict 6. 2 Complacent Conduct ( ) INVOCATION ( ) We worship the sacred feet of Lord Ganapathy who is the son of God Siva who adorned with golden shower flowers of Cassia Fistula. 1. God Mother and father are first known Gods 2. Worship Worship at Temple is an excellent habit 3. Family Righteousness act without Living as one with spouse is not good Moral 4. Miser Wicked Grabs the Misers Wealth 5. Food Limit the food consumption is the beauty of the wife 6. Clash If Confronted with Villagers, then Destroy Everything Including Roots 7. Knowledge Numbers and Letters are the Two Eyes 8. Children Children are dearest when they act without reminders from parents 9. Obstruction Even If You Needs to Beg, Continue to Complete It 10. Permanent Marry and Live Together With the Same Person at One Place for Ever 11. Conduct Good Conduct is More Important for Priest than Chanting Mantras 12. Envy Speak Jealously Destroy Progress 13. Food Prudently Acquire Grains and Cash 14. Loyalty Chastity for a woman is honest obedience to husband 15. Protection The preservation of chastity is the duty of women 16. Unattainable Once it is impossible to achieve, forget that immediately 17. Politeness Speak Politely Even to the Underprivileged 18. Relationship Fault-finding Habits Eliminate Even Relationship 19. Domination Don’t Boast Bravery Even If You Have Sharp Arrows 20. Hurt Break Links with Those Carry Out Evil Acts to You 21. Determination Resilience during Adversity will Create Prosperity 22. Knowledge