Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 6

Leadership - Essay Example In order to decide on the most effective approach, the manager must consider the experience and skill levels of employees, the kind of work involved, the organization’s environment and the manager’s natural or preferred style (Schriesheim, 1982). While positive leadership commonly give rewards such as independence and training to employees with an aim of increasing employee morale, negative leadership emphasizes giving penalties. A close analysis of the company’s management has revealed that most supervisors in the company have preferred the application of transformational management over other management styles. The impacts of this management style theoretically include improved employee morale and performance according to Bass (1998). It is however unclear whether its application in the company has and will continue to yield positive fruits. It is in this respect that the organization seeks to carry out a research to make certain whether or not the transformational management style is effective in practice as it is claimed to be in theory with regard to this company. The research will be limited to the company and its employees and will therefore preclude the involvement of other persons or parties. While mention of several management styles will be made, the research will be biased towards the application of transformational leadership vis a vis autocratic leadership. Further, the research will mainly concentrate on determining the effects of supervisors’ application of transformational leadership on employees and their performances at work. In this respect, the research will focus on measuring the impacts of the management style in terms of employee commitment, absenteeism and performance as well as production turnover. In appreciation of the fact that management style of an organization’s leadership has significant and measurable impacts on its (the organization’s) performance, there is a

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Briefly characterize the main periods of Indonesian history Essay

Briefly characterize the main periods of Indonesian history - Essay Example Foreign influence on Indonesia is quite apparent and it had been an important trading location for various civilisations and as such also a prize colony. Going back in history there has been fossil evidence that shows Indonesia to be inhabited for more than five hundred thousand years (Pope, 1988). However, in terms of recorded history, the seventh century A.D. is more important since this is the time when the smaller kingdoms were united into the Sriwijaya kingdom (Drakeley, 2005). Naval forces were naturally important to Indonesian kings and based on their strength in the sea they were able to control the trade which went through the region. Contact with Hindu and Buddhist religions also influenced the structure of the country’s culture and religious makeup to the extent that by the tenth century the dynasties which held power over Indonesia had become Hindu or in some cases Buddhists (Drakeley, 2005). The period of Hindu kingdoms lasted till the 13th century when Indonesia had its second experience of traders turning into rulers (Ricklefs, 1993). Islam came to Indonesia with traders carrying goods from the Islamic empire and regions such as a Persia and India which had already been influenced by Islamic missionaries, traders or raiders. Hindu kings were influenced by and converted to Islam and the first such king was the Sultan of Demak. He was a powerful force in spreading Islam to the other island kingdoms of the region and caused the retreat of Hinduism and Buddhism from the islands. A commander under the Sultan of Demak conquered the capital of the West Java Kingdom of Pajajaran which was called Sunda Kelapa. After the conquest the city was renamed as Jaya Karta which means great city. The name later changed to Jakarta and it remains the capital city of the country to this day (AsianInfo, 2000). From the western world, the