Saturday, May 16, 2020

Marketplace Analysis of Whole Foods - 3547 Words

Marketplace Analysis of Whole Foods Charles Griffith University of St. Mary Marketing Management MGT-704 MARKETPLACE ANALYSIS OF WHOLE FOODS â€Å"With great courage, integrity, and love – we embrace our responsibility to co-create a world where each of us, our communities and our planet can flourish. All while celebrating the sheer love and joy of food† (Whole Foods, 2015). This is Whole Food’s â€Å"higher purpose statement†. This statement expresses and delivers what Whole Foods, as an organization, believes and what must be apparent to the consumer. As an organization founded with the drive to bring the freshest and most natural products to consumers, Whole Foods must maintain alignment with that core philosophy. Created in response to†¦show more content†¦The global sales growth of natural products in 2014 was almost 10% (Klineblogs, 2015). Whole Foods stores continue to provide natural healthcare and beauty products which serves to not only provide for the needs of current customers but may offer incentive to bring more buyers into the stores. Successful expansion into new markets continues to strengthen the brand. The openings of store fronts in Canada and the United Kingdom bring the total international store count to 19 as of October 2015 (Whole Foods, 2015). Branching into international territories offers increased brand recognition and awareness. Providing localized offerings and increasing awareness of â€Å"natural products† creates brand attention in geographic markets that were previously untouched. This raises brand exposure and identification which greatly increases the potential for market gains. Opening operations creates diversification of business risk to a small degree. The stores in Canada and the U.K. may not be as susceptible to economic issues that may arise in the United States, thus offering some organizational financial buffering in time of economical uncertainty. The move to remarket multiple Whole Foods store fronts to reduce square footage and be more directed towards millennials and low to moderate income households is a strong one. The reduction of store size in the presence ofShow MoreRelatedMarketing Plan For A New Food Supplement Essay830 Words   |  4 Pagesplan for a new food supplement FS #1 for sportsmen. The following information is to be reflected there: market situation, threats, and opportunities, marketing objectives, marketing goals, budget and control measurements. It is better to put the executive summary in the beginning of the document to get readers a high-level overview. An example of the general marketing plan. Executive Summary. Be strong is a food supplement production company started in 2010. 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